Don’t Sign A Lease Without Checking On These Three Things

Apartment shopping can be absolutely grueling; from the potential creepy landlords to the fear of discovering an insect-infested nightmare, finding the right place can take a ridiculous amount of time and effort. However, there are things you can look for that will...

4 Things To Keep In Mind When Choosing A Home Elevator

Since the first public building elevator was installed in New York City, elevators have come a long way. Today, residential elevators are becoming a valuable tool for the young and old, those with mobility limitations and those who are able-bodied. Yet, regardless of...

Repair Vs. Replace: Which Does Your Elevator Need?

Repair Vs. Replace: Which Does Your Elevator Need? An elevator is like a car in that it needs to be properly maintained throughout the year to keep it up and running. However, also like a car, sometimes maintenance and repairs just aren’t enough and your elevator will need to be replaced. But how do you know...

How Safe Are Residential Elevators?

How Safe Are Residential Elevators? Residential elevators are no longer just a luxury installment, but a necessity for those with disabilities and the elderly. As many as 18 billion elevator trips are taken in the U.S. every year and many of these trips are used to reduce going up and down the stairs...